Not only is it Thanksgiving Day, but it is also the day that, for over a year now, I have been writing a weekly “Thank you Thursday” post, expressing gratitude for people or experiences in my life, both ordinary and extraordinary.

Many of us will be doing the same thing today; taking a moment between turkey and touchdowns to be thankful.  Some of us may consider our good health, happy families, steady employment, or comfortable homes.  We may simply be thankful for the food on our table today.  Perhaps we are enjoying the day with friends and neighbors and are thankful for their presence in our lives.

Some of us might be in the middle of a health crisis, but appreciate the support of doctors and caregivers.  We might be in a financial crunch, but have enough to feed our children today.  Perhaps we’ve been enduring a personal struggle, but we see the light ahead.  Even in difficulty, one can find reason to give thanks.

But, what happens tomorrow?

I am challenging myself to not only give thanks today, but to live thanks every day.  Over the last year, I have found that concentrating on the practice of gratitude has enriched my life in many ways.  My emphasis on gratitude has also positively impacted other people. Some have read the posts and commented about them, or observed my practice and chose to adopt it, or even in just one situation realized gratitude mattered.

Attitude is a choice, and I choose gratitude.  I hope you’ll join me.

Give thanks today and live thanks tomorrow. 

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is no to utter words, but to live by them. -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live in gratitude is to touch heaven. -Johannes A. Gaertner

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