Instead of making New Year resolutions, last year I adopted the #OneWord practice described in the book “One Word that will change your life” (Britton, Page, Gordon). The general idea is that a list of promises are more often broken than not, but adopting one meaningful word “brings clarity, power, passion and life-change.”

In 2014 my word was DOING; as in stop wishing, thinking, and talking and start doing. It is remarkable how being focused on taking action changed things.

My word for 2015 is ELEVATE; seek opportunities to raise up others, especially developing leaders; lift up personal relationships; intensify my focus on health, creativity and spirituality. As time goes by, there will be other opportunities to elevate, I’m sure. I’m looking forward to the positive impact this will have on my life and my living throughout the year.

What is one word that will inspire and guide you through 2015?
